gail head shotGail’s Message 

This academic year has been scarred once again, with multiple campus-related fires, injuries and death.

Every chance we get, with our neighbors, our friends, our children’s friends that come by the house to hang out, our families who are over for a barbeque, anyone we can share fire safety messaging with, we must. Our children are going off to college and parents are still getting the horrific phone call telling them their child has been injured or killed in a fire. We must engage everyone in making good choices for on and off campus housing. We must continue to educate and raise our level of awareness to know what to look for. Read more

Site of the future Amadeus House at the University of the Cumberlands

Site of the future Amadeus House at the University of the Cumberlands

Amadeus House A residence hall that is for everyone, but will have the technology and resources that will help students with disabilities-that is the dream of Gail Minger, and it is a dream that is getting closer to reality. The Amadeus House at the University of the Cumberlands will serve not only as a residence hall, but a model for other schools, and in memory of Gail’s son, Michael.  Read More



Campus Fire Safety Capitol Hill Day 2013Campus Fire Safety Capitol Hill Day  For the sixth year, students, parents, fire officials and advocates gathered together in Washington, DC, to meet with Congress and discuss campus fire safety legislation. Gail Minger has been an integral part of this effort each time, again serving as a leader of one of the teams. Almost 40 people, assigned to 12 teams, met with 75 Congressional offices over the course of a single day, an amazing undertaking! Read More

FIEF_vert_colorCommunity Risk Reduction/Community Service  The Minger Foundation has been partnering with the IFE Vision 20/20 project on a series of Community Risk Reduction efforts across the nation. This is building on the Campus Fire Safety Community Service Projects that the Foundation piloted several years ago on campuses in North Carolina and Kentucky where students partnered with their local fire departments on doing home fire safety visits. Read More


Minger Foundation Golf Classic  The 2013 Michael Minger Memorial Golf Classic is set on General’s Retreat at the Hermitage Golf Course in Nashville, Tennessee for Monday, September 16. This is the annual event that raises funds to help the Foundation undertake its mission of fire safety education and to also offer scholarships to deserving students.

In the summer of 2013, the putting surfaces will be changed to MiniVerde Bermudagrass. The new surfaces will offer golfers exciting new challenges and experiences at Hermitage Golf Course.  

For more information on sponsorships or to register, contact Gail Minger gminger@mingerfoundation.org850-621-5161. Also, follow us on Twitter and Facebook!

Resources available from the Minger Foundation  The Minger Foundation has been developing a number of campus fire safety resources, including videos, guides and posters. All of these are freely available on our web site.