You can avoid having your room be this room.
Learn about fire safety from your RA or from the links below.
Watch these videos to learn more about smoke alarms and escape planning and cooking.
Action steps
- Smoke alarms – install them, test them, maintain them. They can’t save your life if they can’t do their job. If you don’t have them, for the price of a pizza you can buy a smoke alarm.
- Escape Planning – Know two ways out, no matter where you are. Your second way out may be a window. Be ready, know what to do before the emergency.
There is a lot more that you can know to be fire safe. For more information, visit these links.
- United States Fire Administration
- Smoke alarms
- 10 Easy Tips on Smoke Alarms (PDF Poster English) (PDF Poster Spanish)
- National Fire Protection Association
- Minger Foundation
To know…
- You need to know this information for after when you are visiting friends who live off-campus and for when you move out of the residence halls.
- This is only some of what you need to know. There is more information online at the links below.
- Candles Never leave candles unattended because they can catch something on fire…and you won’t be there to stop it.
- Cooking Most cooking fires start when someone walks away from the stove. Stay with it and if you have to walk away, turn off the stove.
- Electrical Don’t overload the outlets. Too many appliances can cause the wiring to heat up, melt and then start a fire.
- Escape Planning
- Always know two ways out, wherever you are.
- The way you came in might be blocked when you try to get out.
- Your second way out might be something like a window.
- Automatic Fire Sprinklers
- Fire sprinklers save lives, no two ways about it.
- They can put out the fire within seconds, long before any fire department can get there.
- Despite what you see in the movies, only one or two sprinklers will go off and they will put out the fire.
- Smoke alarms
- Smoke alarms in the residence halls, you don’t need to worry about testing them. Facilities will do that.
- Do NOT cover them with anything. It puts you and everyone around you in danger if they can’t do their job.
- When you move off-campus, make sure you have working smoke alarms in your home. They can save your life.