Friends, another academic year under way and fires are still occurring on our college campuses and in our college communities.
The Minger Foundation wants to promote a most important message to everyone, Please always know TWO WAYS OUT. Every chance we get, we must share fire safety messages with our families and friends. We must continue to engage everyone in making good choices for on and off campus housing. We must continue to educate and raise our level of awareness to know what to look for.
It is important to know what to do to prevent fires and also what life saving steps to take if one should occur.
The Minger Foundation is busy working on some great projects, two through the Department of Homeland Security and two through private funding. Our new documentary is in the beginning stages and we are continuing to raise funds and talk with architects about Amadeus House. The continuation of our National Campus Fire Safety Community Service Project is in full swing and we are excited about working with our friends in the six new communities this year. We have information on these projects on our web site and Facebook page (you are following us, right?).
We continue to look forward and grow our mission’s work of fire safe campuses and communities, and we cannot rest until we tackle the serious problem of raising the level of knowledge and understanding about the catastrophic result of fire.
Our work continues, and we appreciate everyone’s help in our mission!